Tame the AV and UC chaos

Take a unified approach to audio visual monitoring, control, support, automation and security, all in one platform, Innomesh by Innomate.

Trusted globally by leading organisations.


The smarter
AV platform

Take control of your spaces, and control the chaos, with a single, unifying platform to monitor, control, support, automate, and secure your AV environment.

Device Agnostic
Infinitely Scalable
Unified User Experience

Extend hardware lifecycles

Escape the repair and replace loop and extend lifecycles from 3-8 years plus

Unlock unlimited device options

Enjoy a single user experience across any device, regardless of manufacturer

Reduce issues + resolve remotely

Identify and diagnose issues instantly, and resolve more than 50% remotely

We play well with others

What innomesh
does for you.


Simplifies, Secures & Automates

AV Operations

Consolidates & Enables

Data Analytics, Remote Management
& Uniform Experiences

Unlocks & Elevates

Any Environment

See the future for yourself.


Never again be restricted by someone else’s roadmap


Ever-presence is now a reality, with increased awareness monitoring.


An overarching platform that works on your terms, at your scale.